.kiNky mAChine.


.h0use ruLez.



.tHe meLting p0t.




mm.. this is mah page.. WELCOME.. an stuff

go leave your mark. CYBER STAMP meeee ;D now now now. its lonely.. GOooOOooo. - .tHe bo0k.

woo. busy busy. umm. i guess im gonna write something about erik since i met him today *woo i met erik, hes this hot guy and and, YEAH* there ;P i did finally meet eris too. um um. i went to winston salem last weekend and brought emily home with me, shes gone now. gonna go see scary movie tomorrow i think. the twins are here (ma neices..) they've been sick all week and now they're having mood swings. time for their mommie to come pick them up? eheh. i need a job..*sigh* broke. random. bye.


*note* i put a lil quiz thing on mi bio..so go take it now! :)
*also note* mi journal is *gasp* GONE! if you actually care, and still want to read it everyday..its on a private page that no one can get to. ask me for permission and it may be granted.

the day is friday, july 7, 12:34am (woo i guess its actually saturday, oh well)
right now i am..
doing: nothin
wearing: blue baggiez, blue shirt with red spark-lay star
thinking: blurry eyes. bored. must make brrrracelets.
did earlier: shower, went to the mall, talked too gabreil, talk too erik, talked toooo steph, and talked too alex on da phone.
doing later: makin bracelets, sleep.
eating: nothing
drinking: coke
listening to: mindless self indulgence
watching: noothin
talking to: Josh
hours of sleep got last night: a lot..*shrug*
current mental status: little tired..
number of people online on buddy list: 5
current obsessionz: punkz, msi, bracelets (as always though), gum.

whats in mi purse [its not the buddha bag today] as of 5:20pm

photo album, cell phone, altoids, a pen, a hair thing, bowling passes, money pouch, change pouch, a dollar off coupon for chick fil a, lip gloss, inhaler



you are victim number