.kiNky mAChine.


.h0use ruLez.



.tHe meLting p0t.





sublime (s*-'bliB-m) adj. [Lat, sublimus, uplifted] 1. Noble : majestic 2. a of outstanding spiritual, intellectual, or moral worth b not to be excelled : SUPREME 3. inspiring awe : IMPRESSIVE 4. Obs. lofty in bearing or appearance : HAUGHTY 5. Archaic. Raised aloft : set high.


bradley nowell - vocals, guitar, percussion, B3 and SH-101, bass, and congas
eric wilson - bass, standup, organ, percussion, vocals, congas, and SH-101
floyd "bud" gaugh - drums and TD-7

BRADLEY JAMES NOWELL - February 22, 1968 to May 25, 1996

May 25, 1996 one of the best singer/songwriter/guitarist in the world died. Bradley Nowell of Sublime might have never lived to see his fame, but it will live on without him. So will his Troy, his wife, Jakob, his son, and his best companion and dog, Louie. May He forever rest in peace and find happiness where ever his heart and soul have landed.

Eric and Bud also live on, they have joined a new band, the Long Beach Dub Allstars.

.jonti'z thoughtz.

1. Sublime is the best band that there ever was in the world. That's all there is to it. Their music is SO beautiful and SO inspiring that no other band could come close to it. I feel so.. happy whenever I listen to them.. like I'll be having the worst day of my life and put sublime in the cd player.. and everything is soo much better.. I dont even know how to describe the way the music makes me feel. I wouldn't even try to put a label on sublime's music because its not one definite genre. It's a mixture of soo many types of music, which is what makes it so beautiful. I don't even know what to say! SUBLIME IS THE BEST!! When my brother told me that Bradley died in sixth grade.. i burst into tears.. it was too horrible to be true..that sublime would no longer make music together. Its a terrible thought. I still want to cry sometimes when I listen to Sublime, its too overwhelming and wonderful.. but thats enough of my babbling.. GO BUY EVERY SINGLE SUBLIME CD YOU CAN FIND!! :)

.some SUBLIME quotez.

"Man, heroin just ruined Brad's life," said Happoldt. "It's pretty fuckin' obvious."

"Without Brad," Happoldt said, "Sublime is over."

"He had everything in the world that meant anything to him mastered -- literally. Finance, relationships, music, business -- and he was bi-lingual. But he had a problem with heroin. It's such an all-encompassing drug."

"We're not trying to write rock, we're not trying to write reggae," Nowell said before his death. "We're trying to write a good song, however it comes out."

"We didn't even start working on the album until four months before it was released," said drummer Gaugh, 30. "But the sound we got on the album is the closest we'd come to doing what we do live, which was the sound we'd been shooting for all along. When [bassist] Eric [Wilson] and I finished the bass and drum tracks, we were stoked on that. We thought it would be big, we felt really good."

"Most of what you hear [on a Sublime recording] is three or four guys in the studio screwing around," Nowell said during an interview, filmed by a friend, that appears in a 24-minute Sublime documentary that has had limited screenings at punk gigs during the past year.

"The bottom line is I love good music and I try to shy away from all these labels that people think are so necessary to slap on music," said Brad Nowell in a band bio. "It seems like people are afraid of a certain music if they can't pigeonhole it to their satisfaction. They will be up all night trying to slap a label on Sublime. Good music is good music, and that should be enough for everybody."


u guyz are awesome..


bradley holding jakob..and louie dog sittin near

sublime linkz..

simply sublime

R.I.P. Bradley Nowell

Sublime Sanctuary

House O' Sublime

Secret Tweaker Pad

Sublime Forever

The Sublime Place

Distorted Lifestyle

jonti lovez sublime..*sigh*
i want bradley..im gonna marry him