"a picture is worth a thousand words."
me and leah have problemz.
me and emily in ma inflatable chair thinger.
valerie ;P
zak um..being zak?
me and thomas after the show at millennium
it goes: leah, me, valerie ;D
david [looking stoned on the left], me [being stupid in the middle], zak [goldielockz on the right] and brent [showing us his finger, on top]
kind of an old pic of brent *i stole it from david's page*
me dancing on a chair at gadzooks.
david playing his geetar.
its matt.
me um.. i dont know
zak and cameron [very stoned] in the back of ma car.
amanda and jeff at ice plex
eric.. ;D isnt he cute?
it goes: laurel, ben, shawn
brent showin us his lovely finger and jeff..um..yep
me looking really, REALLY stupid
josh and zak cleanin up like good lil boiz.
ben *spooky lol* at the show at millennium
meggie bein cute ;P click to go to her page
kelsey and emily at the beach.
john licking clare.
thomas, me, and ryan at the show
a very RED picture of me and zak.
matty and his little brother..verry cute.
me and valerie last year ;)
its alex with his pigtails
samantha looking..at something.. i donno
me growlin..yeah i know, im vicious, all 5'3 of me