.kiNky mAChine.


.h0use ruLez.



.tHe meLting p0t.





*note* i am not responsible for anyone following my rulez. thank you.

rule #1. don't insult the potheadz. they have many friendz.

rule #2. never, EVER date a dealer, unless he has LOTS and LOTS of money, even then - not a good idea..

rule #3. a friend of weed is a friend indeed. (thankz zak)

rule #4. toke it up and don't think twice about it..

rule #5. don't go to sleep with gum in your hair.

rule #6. be nice to the kroger employees, they make the stuff thats in the salad bar.

rule #7. take lots and lots of pictures.

rule #8. no sex in the champaign room.

rule #9. never kick a fresh cow chip on a hot day. eww.

rule #10. never put a stranger's ice skates in the trash can. (thankz cameron)

rule #11. kick it the way you want to.

rule #12. be lazy on sundayz.

rule #13. shave for special occasions and right before a hurricane (incase the power goes out)

rule #14. don't wait around for boiz to call.

rule #15. when in doubt. lie.

rule #16. give your phone number to strangers (if they're cute).

rule #17. always wear deodorant.

rule #18. boycott the lunchladiez! oi! (thankz samantha)

rule #19. dont eat meat. (thankz steph)

rule #20. share your smokez. give to the needy.

rule #21. never, EVER sniff pixie stickz.

rule #22. never leave the house without chewing gum, cell phone, a dollar, a pen, or a napkin.

rule #23. be nice to the janitorz. they clean up u're shit.

rule #24. stay away from yellow snow.

rule #25. dance on a table at least once a week.

rule #26. don't judge people before u know them.

rule #27. paint u're fingernailz black.

rule #28. celebrate u're half birthday.

rule #29. keep a journal.

rule #30. make your own religion.

rule #31. sing in the shower.

rule #32. always be yourself.

rule #33. skip school during pms. (thankz mom)

rule #34. eat chocolate. lots of it.

rule #35. climb trees.

rule #36. dance like nobodys watching.

rule #37. wear sunscreen..the sun is very bad for u're skin.

rule #38. if you can't keep a secret, don't say you can.

rule #39. tell people exactly how you feel about them. don't hold anything back. don't spare feelingz.

rule #40. make fun of yourself as much as u make fun of other people. (thankz ben)

rule #41. headbang.

rule #42. sing kittie whenever u feel like it. growl at those who don't like it. *josh :P*

rule #43. jump on the bed.

rule #44. WRESTLE with yummi guyz. (thankz zak)

rule #45. never take more than 4 caffeine pillz at one time. its fun for a lil while, then u get so sick u can't stand up. so trust me. (sorry emily)

rule #46. wear colorful bead braceletz. (thankz thomas)

rule #47. gank stupid stuff from winn dixie whenever you feel like it..the detector things dont work. (thankz taylor)

rule #48. do not take caffeine pillz at ALL. period.

rule #49. do not let an icky boi come between you and your friends.

rule #50. play duck, duck, goose in the middle of the mall. (thankz shawn, valerie)

rule #51. BE YOURSELF. duh. change for no one.

rule #52. make fun of rednecks.

rule #53. if you tell the truth, you won't have to remember what you said.. so don't lie..again..(thankz mom and jamie)

rule #54. ALWAYS sieze the moment.. if you see a hot guy, talk to him.. what've you got to lose?

rule #55. be gothic whenever possible.

rule #56. don't wear mascara in the pool. (thankz emily)

rule #420. weed.

*note* most of these i made up and are mine. but i stole a few from meggie cold-heartedly *har har har*. heh. thankz meg.