.kiNky mAChine.


.h0use ruLez.



.tHe meLting p0t.





it's..*dundundun* mee!

name: jonti

age: 14

astronomical sign: taurus

nicknames: jontilee, shorty, mushroom, elf, kanga, roo, and sometimes even *gasp* kangaroo

screen name: c0alkiddie, fadedxme, puhnkishme, sublimelilme, xcryformex

voicemail: 1-877-211-8367 call it cause nobody leaves me any messages anymore :P

birthday: may 2

height: 5'3 and a quarter

weight: 115 :/

eye color: green/gold

hair: past mi shoulders, dirty blonde

school: east millbrook

where i'm from: charleston, sc

where i live: raleigh, nc

boyfriend?: nope.. single lil me..

addictionz?: nutri grain bars, sublime, twizzlers, phone, aol, caffeine, boiz, music..

piercings?: 3 in each ear lobe, one cartlidge piercing in left ear, i pierced my belly button but.. it got all red and stuff so i took it out (emily..heh), i wanna get my tongue and/or eyebrow pierced also..

hobbiez: ice skating, listening to music, goin to movies, hangin out with friends, writing an reading poetry, bein silly, talking on phone and aol

fetishes: i want a boi who likez black and pink, the same music as me, goes to lots of concerts and shows, knows how to have fun, lives down the road, has a pretty smile, a goatee, pretty eyes, pretty voice, has kick ass hair, is about 5'8, 5'9 or so, is sarcastic like me, lovez me, lovez sublime, has a lip or tongue ring, writes poetry/songz, plays guitar/bass, dresses kool, is very sweet but not smothering, who doesnt get jealous when i talk about how hot brian molko or bradley nowell is, who would defend me, and not blow me off, is not nosey, can carry on an intelligent conversation, has his own opinion, does not judge people, bathez everyday, smellz nice...

wierd questi0nz..

do u meditate? sometimez.. when im feeling kinda bad..

if u could be any food in the world.. what food would ya be? a lolly pop cause um.. u know..hehe :) funn

have u ever milked a cow? harr.. yah actually.. mi grandparents haf a farm..

do u like cheese? YESH! cheese rulez :)

would u rather have mint, or fruit flavored gum? mint probably.. dependz on mi mood i guess

when you hear the song "PUFF THE MAGIC DRAGON", what do u think of? heh.. i always think of a little blonde boi in green standing on the edge of a small cliff by a large lake.. and dark clouds moving fast in the sky..dont ask why

does the site of blood make you queasy? only if its my own blood..

do u like peas? um..sure

are u superstiscious? yes, VERY!

have u ever punched a wall? yesh, but weak lil me didnt even leave a dent..

does it bother u when nails scratch a chalkboard? yes, extremely..errr..


foodz: pasta, good breads, cheese pizza..

drinkz: dr pepper, root beer!, daquiris..

candyz: twizzlers, peanut m&ms, reese's :)

cd: sublime, 40 oz to freedom :)

type of music: hard rock, metal, punk, grunge, metal, goth, punk, techno, hardcore, happycore, reggae, blues

store: razzle dazzle, schoolkids, lerner, barnes & noble..

number: 13

hangoutz: ice plex if thats a hangout?, movies, mall, zak's house

colorz: black, silver

scentz: curve, apple enchantment, vanilla candles

radio stationz: 88.1, 96.1

website: http://diskordia.8m.com maybe? i donno.. http://weasle.itgo.com lots :P

moviez: pleasantville, my fair lady, half baked, little women, the exorcist, wizard of oz

book: a wrinkle in time

sportz: ice skating, baseball, hockey

nail polish: black(of course)

fast food: chick-fil-a but only the friez.. no meat fer mee

restaurants: t.g.i fridays, bahama breeeeze

daria character:jane lane.

star wars character: the big fat one..err..

rugrats character: angelica

simpsons character: grandpa.

kitchen appliance: milkshake maker :P

piece of furniture: mi inflata chair

this or that.

boxers or briefs: boxers.

coke or pepsi: coke

mr pibb or dr pepper: dr pepper.

sprite or 7up: sprite.

skim, whole, or 2% milk: 2%.

skittlez-tropical, regular, or wildberry: tropical.

m+mz-peanut, peanutbutter, or regular: peanut.

tootsie roll pops or blow pops: dependz.. do i want bubble gum or do i want tootsie?

chocolate or vanilla: vanilla.

salt or pepper: pepper.

shake or stir: shake.

bleh or blah: type blah. say bleh.

grey or gray: grey.

hey, hi, or hello: hay or heddo

ok, okay, or o.k.: okie.

bright colors or dark colors: dark.

snap, crackle, or pop: crackle.

sunshine or rain: rain is good every once in a while

rain or snow: snow.

sun or moon: moon.

silver or gold: silver.

pinky or the brain: pinky.

alvin, simon, or theodore: theodore.

sylvester or tweety: sylvester.

bugs or daffy: bugs.

skaters or jocks: skaters.

preps or freaks: freaks.

cds or cassettes: i like personalized mixed tapes.. but i like cdz too..heh

worse-nsync or bsb: theres a difference?

short answer.

are you right or left handed? right.

are you smart? yep yep.

are you superstistous? to a certain extent.

do you read u're horoscope? yeah.
do you beleive in that stuff? yeah..why else would i read it?

how many personalitiez do you have? a bunch.. i think?

whats u're middle name? michelle.

are you a deep sleeper? yeah.

do you drool in u're sleep? not that i know of..

do you snore? when i haf a stuffie nose.

how many pillowz are on u're bed? um.. 6

dood, u sleep on 6 pillowz?.. dood, no. i sleep with 2..but not on top of each other.. and 2 of those are onez i made in home ec and never sewed the hole up..heh..

what do you sleep in? warm weather-spaghetti and boxerz cold weather-spaghetti with a thermal over it, pj pantz [flannelz, penguin pantz..]

what time do u go to sleep? on school nightz.. around 11

do you like to dance? dependz on mi mood i guess.

do you like to sing? yeah.. but i stink at it, right thomas? :P

how many cdz do u have? around 50.. i donno.. im poor :P

do you like to talk on the phone? sometimez.. i'd rather talk in person though

do you like u're handwriting? everyone sayz i have kool handwriting..but it looks messy to me.. i donno

do you like to paint? i LOVE to paint.

do you like to write? yeah, i do.. but im not any good at it

are you ticklish? yes, EXTREMELY..*cough*

are you shy? no.. im quiet around certain people..but its not shyness.. its boredom.

who has the sexiest voice in the world? um. lotsa ppl. the lead singer of incubus probably *cant think of his name* and bradley nowell..and thomas has a perty voice too.

who has the most annoying voice in the world? those m2m chickz. urrg. and amber, dave matthews, mariah carey, a couple ppl at mi school i wont mention..

do you beleive in reincarnation? yeah.

do you beleive in alienz? of course, it'd be pretty stupid to think we're the ONLY onez in this wholllle big universe.. or billions of other universes..

do you beleive in ghosts? yes.

do you beleive in bigfoot? yesh, zak and josh *cough* heh

what do you do when you're nervous? twist mi earrings

can you name all seven dwarfz? um, sleepy, dopey, sneezy, grumpy?, umm.. i donno

can you name any smurfz? umm.. papa?

have u ever thought u were gonna die? yes. i usta have to be rushed to the hospital all the time for asthma..and otherz.

list all u're classes.spanish, science, soc. studiez, algebra 1, lang. artz, drama production, gym, french.

why did the chicken cross the road? hm.. there was a really kool commercial during superbowl last year about that..for budweiser..heh.

you know what? yes. i know everything.

would u like friez with that? nah im fine. thankz.

thespark.com test scores

the greed test:
49% greedy!
In addition, we have determined that for a small bribe of 184 bucks, you'd spread a jar mayonnaise in your underwear and wear it for a month straight.

the love test:
a Love Rating of 72%
Your remaining 28% is essentially Lust and Sexual Greed.

the ass quiz:
66% and i got to see his ass! lol

the bitch test:

the slut test:


bandz i like: SUBLIME, slipknot, old korn, old limp bizkit, kittie, coal chamber, pearl jam, u2, tool, a perfect circle, nin, manson, bouncing souls, creed, papa roach, nirvana, hole, disturbed, orgy, 3 doors down, pod, suicidal tendencies, system of a down, bad religion, the ataris, misfits, mxpx, nofx, less than jake, no doubt, soulfly, 311, the beatles, bob marley, the doors, bob dylan, bush, incubus, strangers with candy, collective soul, tori amos, fiona apple, smashing pumpkins, stone temple pilots, silverchair, red hot chili peppers, blink 182, ozzy, our lady peace, greenday, rage against the machine, placebo, the cure, rob zombie, phish, widespread panic, beastie boyz.. many, many more..

local stuff: big hello, final intervention, curve, the living dead, five pound bag, sleep tight, 99 cents, rhetoric, jack

no me gusta..

not knowing what to say
artificial people
action mooviez
bein late
judgemental people
bubble jackets
abercrombie, etc
mountain dew
ppl who try too hard to impress
flat soda
boi bandz

me gusta..

root beer
eatin' ice
people who aren't afraid to be themselves
body piercings
finding money in my pockets..
curve..er whatever zak wears
good music
brent's hair..
black nail polish
tongue rings
talking to intelligent people
bead braceletz
loud music
night time
ice plex
horror moviez
instant messages

inside j0kes..


-*little finger thingie*
-booty walk
-betty jane?
-"mm.. smells like smoke..."
-ghetto bootie!
-nasty slut hoe


-barbie mobile..goin to hawaii :)
-soap, shampoo
-interesting dreeeeeams :P


-"from my head to my toe..."
-"i think we need a calculator!"
-*sparkley self*


-sillay goose
-taterz an nanerz
-banana butt
-itttttts a beautiful day in the neighborhood :P


-"its not going through!!" lol
-strawberry daquiris
-speak spanish? um no
-hm.. i dont think i wanna ride the ferry now..
-big brown round thangs


-hornie lil hoe
-*meltz into a pile of sugar on the floor*
-ima throw cold water.. and a combat boot!


-superdood, superchick
-bellybutton cancer
